Food Poisoning – Signs, Symptoms and When to See Your Doctor

Food poisoning is usually the result from eating food that has been contaminated with salmonella or E coli bacteria. Depending on what type of bacteria you have come in contact with, symptoms can start anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Although most cases of food poisoning are short and run their course within 24 to 48 hours, the intensity of the symptoms can make it seem much longer.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms associated with food poisoning are the following:

–          Nausea

–          Abdominal pain

–          Vomiting

–          Diarrhea

–          Fever

How to Get Through it

Due to the amount of vomiting and diarrhea that can occur, you are at a higher risk for dehydration. Although it may be difficult to keep down any liquids at first, you want to slowly start to introduce water back into your diet as the symptoms begin to wear off. Sports drinks can also help replenish any electrolytes, potassium and sodium lost from the result of diarrhea and vomiting.

It is also important that you get plenty of rest to help your body fight off the invasive bacteria. As indicated above, symptoms should eventually subside after 24 to 48 hours. If they do not for any reason, something more serious may be going on and the attention of a medical professional may be needed.

Seeking Medical Attention

If you are experiencing the symptoms of food poisoning and they last longer than two days, it is recommended that you visit a doctor who can thoroughly investigate your symptoms and make a proper diagnosis.

For those of you in the Atlanta and surrounding metro area, WellStreet Urgent Care is there to help meet your needs. With our board certified physicians and a generous, caring staff on hand, you will be able to get the proper attention you need – and fast! No need for an appointment – just walk on in and get treated right away.

How to Spot Bronchitis (and When to Head to Your Doctor)

Bronchitis can have you feeling like you’ve been hit by a dump truck. It comes on fast, clogging up your lungs with mucus and causing you to cough violently. Oftentimes, it can leave you short of breath, keeping you on the couch and away from any type of activity. If you have asthma, typical bronchitis symptoms are enough to put you into the hospital (in extreme cases).

Common Symptoms of Bronchitis

Bronchitis is typically referred to inflammation of the bronchial tubes in your lungs. This causes the bronchial tubes to become narrow, making breathing labored and more difficult. As a result, some of the most common bronchitis symptoms you may experience are:

–          Wheezing

–          Excessive coughing with production of yellow or dark colored phlegm from mucus build up in lungs

–          Shortness of breath

–          Fever

–          Chills

–          Body aches and pains

When to Visit a Clinic

If you have been noticed the signs and have been experiencing the symptoms of bronchitis for more than a day or two, it’s time to see a doctor. If you’re in the Atlanta area and need to see a doctor immediately, you can visit any one of our WellStreet Urgent Care facilities to see an experienced and licensed physician who will diagnose and help treat your bronchitis promptly.

Should you be experiencing any symptoms like extreme shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, feeling dizzy or light-headed or coughing with such intensity that vomiting occurs, it is best to visit the closest emergency room. This is especially true if you suffer from asthma.

Typical Treatments for Bronchitis

In most cases, bronchitis is treated with a number of different medicines, both prescription and over the counter. Typical treatments for bronchitis include the use of a steroid (such as prednisone) to help reduce the swelling and inflammation of the bronchial tubes, allowing you to breathe better. An Albuterol inhalant may also be prescribed to help widen bronchial tubes as well. In some cases, you may receive a round of antibiotics to help fight off any remaining bacteria that doesn’t go away on its own.

For other symptoms related to bronchitis, the following over the counter medicines may be used:

–          Guaifenesin to help loosen up any mucus stuck inside the lungs

–          Ibuprofen or acetaminophen for body aches and pains, as well as to help reduce any fever.

Get Treatment Today

Don’t let your sickness get out of control or worse than it already is. When in doubt, visit us at WellStreet Urgent Care to get yourself healthy and back to feeling like yourself again!

4 Great Home Remedies for External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are no laughing matter. It is known to be one of the most discomforting and painful conditions, making it nearly impossible to pass a stool without succumbing to an intense and extreme amount of pain. While some external hemorrhoids may eventually go away on their own without treatment, others need special care and attention to help them fade away.

If you are suffering from external hemorrhoids and want to eliminate them, take a look below at a few excellent remedies that can help treat external hemorrhoids and alleviate the pain.

#1 – Sitz Bath

A sitz bath is great for reducing swelling and pain often associated with external hemorrhoids. It also will relax your sphincter muscle, reducing painful spasms that are common with hemorrhoids.

To make a sitz bath, just fill your bathtub with some warm water and let your buttocks soak in it for roughly 20 to 30 minutes. Try this two to three times daily for added relief. You can also add a cup of Epsom salt to your bath to help improve circulation and relieve any itching related to your hemorrhoids.

#2 – Topical Creams

A number of hemorrhoid creams are available over the counter to help relieve your symptoms. Most of these creams can help relieve pain, reduce swelling and stop to the intense itching, making it easier for you to move throughout your day with the least amount of discomfort. Topical creams can also shrink hemorrhoids to speed up the healing process.

#3 – Increasing Fiber

When it comes to external hemorrhoids, fiber is crucial. It will make your stools easier to pass, thus reducing the chances of any pain and bleeding during a bowel movement. Make sure you increase your fiber intake when hemorrhoids flare up to avoid the risk of worsening your symptoms.

#4 – Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is an excellent pain reliever for external hemorrhoids. It provides an instant cooling sensation and will help stop any itching. Use these specially medicated pads after every bowel movement to help relieve your symptoms and provide quick relief.

When to Head to the Doctor

Should your hemorrhoids not respond to traditional treatments or continue to reoccur, stop into any Atlanta area WellStreet Urgent Care center. One of our licensed and experienced physicians will diagnose and treat your hemorrhoids, as well as discuss different treatment options available to you. Stop by today and let us and our experienced staff give you the care and attention you need!

3 Methods to Treat Constipation at Home

Dealing with a bout of constipation is never a walk in the park. The discomfort, pain and bloating make it hard to get through your day as you normally would. You need to do something to get things regular again and you need to do it now. Fortunately, there are some excellent treatments for constipation that you can try on your own at home!

Treating Constipation at Home

Treating constipation at home is relatively simple, as there are a number of remedies that can help you get things back in working order. Just take a look at three of the best methods for treating constipation below.

#1 – Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber plays an important role in your digestive health. It bulks up your stool, making it much easier to pass without any strain. The less fiber you have in your diet, the more likely you are to suffer from constipation.

To help yourself get regular again, try upping your fiber dosage by using a fiber supplement such as psyllium husk. Once you are able to get over your bout of constipation, consider continuing with a fiber supplement to ensure that you always meet the recommended daily intake levels, which may help prevent constipation in the future.

#2 – Drink Up

Keeping your fluid intake regulated is important for your overall health, but it can also prevent the chances of constipation too. Make sure that you drink plenty of water and avoid any caffeinated beverages as much as possible when constipated (as caffeine actually dehydrates you, making it hard to pass any stool).

#3 – Take a Laxative

When all else fails, it might be time to use a natural laxative to help you produce a stool. There are a number of different over the counter laxatives that are available at supermarkets and drug stores. Ask a licensed pharmacist or a doctor to help you determine what would be the best for you and give it a shot.

When to Seek Care

If you have no luck with the above treatments and continue to suffer from constipation, stop by your Atlanta area WellStreet Urgent Care center.  A board-certified physician will diagnose and treat your constipation to get you back on track. Our helpful and experienced medical staff is one of the best in the business, so swing on in to get the care you need and deserve today!